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10 new ways for everyone to achieve more in the modern workplace

Microsoft Blog – 9.27.18  (9.26.18)

It’s been over a year since we introduced Microsoft 365, the complete, intelligent, and secure solution that empowers employees to drive their organizations to future growth. Customers are seeking to transform and support a workforce that is more diverse and mobile than ever before, and they are relying on latest advancements in technology to do so. Customers such as Goodyear, Eli Lilly, and Fruit of the Loom use Microsoft 365 to empower their employees.

Read more: 10 new ways for everyone to achieve more in the modern workplace 

Discover our newest Laser Cutting materials right now with our Q&A!

Sculpteo Blog – 9.27.18 (9.26.18)

We know how different the projects of our clients can be and we continuously want to improve our service to meet your production needs. That’s why we launched 4 brand new Laser Cutting materials! Get familiar with our 2 Acrylics, a plywood material, and already existing POM. They are all very different, with various mechanical properties and one of them will surely fit your manufacturing needs. Discover them now and learn how they can improve your production!

Read more: Discover our newest Laser Cutting materials right now with our Q&A!

STEAM in Every Subject: 10 Examples of Collaborative Learning

Ozobot Blog – 9.27.18 (9.26.18)

Schools and educators are pressured to hit certain learning targets and reach specific test scores. It’s easy to get so focused on these goals that you tune out lessons in other subjects and topics that don’t concern you. However, more teachers are realizing the benefits of cross-curricular education and how collaborative learning can help students across multiple subjects.

Read more: STEAM in Every Subject: 10 Examples of Collaborative Learning

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