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NVIDIA Omniverse Platform

PNY BLog – 8.24.20 (8.22.20)

NVIDIA Omniverse™ is a powerful, multi-GPU, real-time simulation and collaboration platform for 3D production pipelines based on Pixar’s Universal Scene Description (USD) and NVIDIA’s open-source MDL (Materials Definition library).

Source: NVIDIA Omniverse Platform

PureOS for Creatives Part 1: Music Production with the Librem 15

Purism Blog – 8.24.20 (8.21.20)

In 2020, there is a free software equivalent for every mainstream commercial program on the market today. For photographers who use Photoshop, there is GIMP; for illustrators are accustomed to using Illustrator, there is Inkscape; for videographers who need access to tools like Premiere Pro, there are video editing apps like Kdenlive, Flowblade, and more. These programs provide most of the functionality of proprietary software for free. Most of the time, the differences are merely in the extra content and presets that the commercial apps provide. In the PureOS store, we curate the world’s most powerful free software and make it easily accessible to Librem owners to download on their devices.

Source: PureOS for Creatives Part 1: Music Production with the Librem 15

Windows Security Risk in Zoom Chat Function

Avast Blog – 4.3.20

Researchers discovered a flaw in the Zoom chat feature that could allow attackers to steal users’ Windows login credentials. Over the past month, as much of the population began working from home and discontinuing social gatherings, the number of Zoom video conferences has skyrocketed. Since 2020 began, 2 million new users have signed up with the service. People all over the world are using Zoom on a daily basis for work meetings, school sessions, social hours, and casual video chats. The sudden surge, however, has brought to light several privacy and security issues with Zoom protocol.

Full Post: Windows Security Risk in Zoom Chat Function

10 Fantastic Mac Finder Tips

OWC Blog – 2.12.20

They may not all be fantastic, but these 10 Finder tips can help you become a master of Finder finesse. The Finder, of course, is the main way you find, organize, and make use of files on your Mac. These tips are the ones often used in our household. They can help alleviate annoying issues, such as file names that are too long and become truncated in a window, or help you keep your files better organized.

Source: 10 Fantastic Mac Finder Tips

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