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How we improved search results in 1Password

1Password Blog – 7.24.24

There’s good ol’ 1Password search, for instance, which is perfectly functional. It’s also overly precise and highly inflexible. When I search the term bank, my bank login is never returned because my financial institution doesn’t have the word bank in its name, and I lacked the foresight to tag every banking-related credential with the appropriate tag. Because I, like you, expected 1Password to just… know.

Source: How we improved search results in 1Password | 1Password Blog

1Password vs. Keeper Security: A comparison | 1Password Blog

1Password blog – 7.19.24

If you’re comparing 1Password and Keeper (and it seems like you are, since you’re reading this article) then it pays to be well-informed before you make a purchase.

Keeper and 1Password both provide Enterprise Password Managers (EPMs), which are the foundational products of both companies. So if you’re here to compare password managers, we’ve got you covered.

Source: 1Password vs. Keeper Security: A comparison | 1Password Blog

Three Questions to Ask Before Choosing AI Cyber Protection

Dell Blog – 7.19.24

In the past 12 months, the IT industry has witnessed a surge in vendors touting themselves as AI-driven powerhouses, not unlike that of what we saw just a year ago with vendors touting themselves as Zero Trust companies. It’s not that these vendors don’t have any AI or Zero Trust capabilities; however, they seem to market beyond their potential. These marketing strategies often imply that these solutions now include advanced AI-based threat detection and response capabilities that significantly mitigate the risk of cyber threats.

Source: Three Questions to Ask Before Choosing AI Cyber Protection | Dell

Purpose-Built Smartphones for Government vs. Commercial Off-The-Shelf Devices

Purism Blog – 7.19.24

The rise of the smartphone as both an indispensable consumer electronic device and an omnipresent tool for performing tasks at work has led to an inevitable question: Should enterprise and government centralized IT organizations deploy Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) devices such as the iPhone, Google Pixel, Samsung Galaxy and attempt to secure them, or should organizations mandate purpose-built, work-dedicated devices where security is the default?

Source: Purpose-Built Smartphones for Government vs. Commercial Off-The-Shelf Devices – Purism

Intimate image abuse – Kaspersky new survey indicates alarming trends

Kaspersky Blog – 7.18.24

In today’s digital age, our social and romantic interactions are increasingly online, and the normalization of both storing and sharing intimate images has reached concerning levels. Our recent global study – one of the largest polls ever conducted on this matter – reveals some alarming trends, and highlights the urgent need for both awareness and education on intimate image abuse, commonly known as “revenge porn”.

Source: Intimate image abuse – Kaspersky new survey indicates alarming trends

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