National Robotics Week Brings More than 300 Events to All 50 States

iRobot Newsroom – 4.5.18 (4.4.14)

National Robotics Week brings together students, educators and influencers who share a passion for robots and technology. Events across the country include robotics competitions, expos, parties, meetups, workshops, classes, camps, and open houses or tours of companies and universities. To list an event, or to identify existing regional events, please visit: (PRNewsfoto/National Robotics Week)

The ninth annual National Robotics Week kicks off April 7 with STEM-focused events happening across all corners of the US. Established by Congress and iRobot in 2010, National Robotics Week is designed to raise awareness about the importance of STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), and how these subjects play a role in shaping the future of education, industry and the U.S. economy.

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