Logitech Crayon and Logitech Rugged Combo 2 for iPad, Unleash Student Creativity in the Classroom

Logitech Blog – 4.2.18 (3.27.18)

We’re excited to bring two new products to the classroom that we think give students (and teachers) more opportunities to be creative and all new ways to engage with school work.

Logitech Crayon and Logitech Rugged Combo 2 for the new iPad (6th generation), are specifically designed for the classroom. Logitech Crayon takes advantage of new technology in iPad and provides an affordable solution for education so students can do even more including handwrite notes, illustrate projects and draw diagrams.

Read more: Logitech Crayon and Logitech Rugged Combo 2 for iPad, Unleash Student Creativity in the Classroom

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