Ducati and Lenovo Technology: Empowering riders to make the right choice

Lenovo YouTube Channel – 7.20.20 (7.16.20)


“Our collection of data is increasing year by year — and it impacts every aspect of the race, including simulation development, power control strategies, the braking mechanism, and so on,” Gabriele Conti, Ducati’s electronic systems director explains. He summarizes the role of data as: “Trying to help the human make the right choice” — in the garage and on the track. “Data gives us a huge advantage.” Lenovo is “the perfect match our engineers need to make these bikes even more competitive,” echoes Paolo Ciabatti, Ducati Corse Sporting Director. “We are proud to have Lenovo branding on our bikes, but on the other side of that, it’s the technological partnership that enables our engineers to develop bikes at this level.”

Source: Ducati & Lenovo Technology: Empowering riders to make the right choice

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